The WILD WOMAN Collection teamed up with the iconic, luxury furniture brand ROCHE BOBOIS to create two breathtaking works in the form of the Nouveaux Classic Hortense chair. The two chairs, titled Las Armonías (the Harmonies), will be auctioned as part of the collection.
On Thursday, November 16, 2019 the two WILD WOMAN Hortense Chairs debuted at the Portland, Oregon showroom of ROCHE BOBOIS PARIS. The sold-out event was organized by Nora Hernandez, the Portland showroom manager.
The two chairs are named, Las Armonías . They were designed to explore equilibrium, the state in which all opposing forces and influences are balanced. When designing their version of the Hortense chairs, our artists thought of a chair, as its purpose intends, and how it exists as an object of equilibrium offering equal support to the weight it receives.
Persons living in harmony exhibit this equipoise as support of one another in order to create a unified existence. The WILD WOMAN collection finds the core of its identity in this oneness, mutual support and unity that balances us, creating strength and stability.
The figurative works by Laura Renée lean on each other, reach out to one another and find themselves held by their sisters. The women depicted in Las Armonías, share emotional vulnerability and find freedom in their company and mutual experience.
Inspired by the structure of a woven fabric, Myriam Marcela constructed elements of the chair to illustrate the equality shared between threads interwoven to create a piece of fabric. Every thread acts in support of the next in unseen ways forming something essential to our lives.
This integral concept of support as part of WILD WOMAN, reaches beyond art and into the environmental impacts. The materials used are natural and sustainable as Mother Earth is what connects us all.
WILD WOMAN aims to use their story of unity and collaboration to implant seeds of change in the lives of women across the world.
Our designers selected Piñatex® to create their work on the iconic ROCHE BOBOIS Hortense chairs. Piñatex® is leather-like and made out of pineapple fiber, which offers a durable fabric made of sustainably-sourced, cruelty free material. It is made with low environmental impact and high social responsibility. This process utilizes the byproduct of existing agriculture and creates new income streams to support farming communities in developing countries.